
Videos and Podcasts

Jon Adler talking to Gabby Logan about techniques to manage pressure

The Sports Agents


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Jon Adler talking to Karl Morris

The Brain Booster

Jon Adler talking to Mark Immelman

Podcast with On The Mark

Golf Psychology and Golf Yips eBooks

eBooks are available for download and also are included in coaching packages

There have been a bundle of light bulb moments during our conversations where you have helped me think differently or put things into perspective.

For example:
Playing good golf is one reason in many to play, so why do you play?
What is your intention for the round? How you think v how you play?
When playing your best where do you place your attention?
Focus on what you did well and allow yourself to make mistakes.
Be aware of the internal dialogue – but remember you don’t need to engage with it.
Ultimately, what will help you play better? Focus on that!
However I think there are 2 key elements which have helped me considerably.

The first is to enjoy the anticipation and excitement of not knowing what could happen before you play. There was a period when I was terribly anxious before I teed it up. For example I’d wake up during the night panicking about how I would play. I wouldn’t have anxiety in other areas of my life – just my golf. I’d tried positive thinking but this just created a never ending internal dialogue – almost making it worse.

You took a different approach and we discussed that in sport you don’t know what is going to happen – you might play well or you might play badly. As simple as it sounds, this more rationale approach – relishing the certainty of uncertainty – really helped reduce the anxiety to the extent that I am excited to play once again. Such a relief from the previous torture!

Secondly, you have helped me realise how golf is a season long pursuit – and that whilst every shot counts, it matters considerably less when viewed through that lens. I now consider golf as a portrait painting, with each shot an individual brush stroke. You can look at the painting from time to time (after each round say) but it is only when the painting is finished at the end of the season that you review it fully. This takes pressure off each shot and allows you to ride the ups and downs of each round. Looking back the odd bad hole / round disappears in favour of the whole.

Jon – I am truly grateful for our conversations and friendship. You have been so very instrumental in helping me enjoy golf again and play so much better. And I really can’t thank you enough.

I hope the above helps – feel free to use / not use / edit as you like. I know we don’t talk about numbers much – but if interested:

– Golf before Jon (2020) – average 81
– 2020 season average – 79.8
– 2021 season average – 77.6
– 2022 season average (to date) – 75.3

So that’s roughly 5 or 6 shots in 2 years!!!! No wonder I am enjoying it more!!

Matthew Taylor